What Is Cardiac Rehabilitation Program ?  
Cardiac Rehabilitation and Heart Disease Prevention Program helps heart patients to regain their physical fitness fully, rapidly, and safely; educates them about their disease, symptoms, and management; and helps them to modify their life-style to reduce their risk of developing heart problems in future. To the heart patients this program provides an ECG monitored exercise program to improve physical fitness; dietary counseling to reduce blood cholesterol, blood sugar, weight, etc.; psychological counseling to reduce anxiety, fear, and depression; and health education to the patient and the family with booklets, brochures, slide-shows, and video cassattes.
Heart disease is the “ The Number One Killer” of the adult population. With increasing pressures of modern life, with increasing consumption of fat and calorie rich food, and with decreasing levels of physical activities and exercise more and more people are becoming victims of this deadly disease at younger age when they are at the peak of their career and most needed by their family and work place. According to recent surveys, the incidence of heart disease is increasing alarmingly attaining epidemic proportions Every year lakhs of Indians are falling prey to this disease. Some of them die prematurely, many survive with the help of modern medicine but remain invalid for long time due to incomplete recovery. This loss of human life and resource is immense. The loss is not limited to the individual or his family, but it is a loss to the society and the nation as a whole. We just can't watch this helplessly and allow the things to continue like this. We have got to fight this disease with all our might and resources. KRISHNA Heart Institute has joined this battle against the heart disease with most modern facilities for coronary angioplasty and bypass surgery with her dedicated and excellent medical – paramedical teams and has emerged, in a short span of one and a half year, as a leader by providing health care, in no way inferior to that of the best centers of the world.
As a result of improving medical treatments like by-pass surgery, balloon angioplasty, and new effective medicines, increasing number of patients are now surviving heart illnesses Resultant increase in the population of chronic, partially disabled patients has increased th need for cardiac rehabilitation services that help them to recover fully and rapidly, improve their quality of life, lessen symptoms, decrease disability, and by controlling the risk factors like, cholesterol, smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, etc., reduce their risk for future heart problems. There now, is a great need for well equipped and well organized cardiac rehabilitation centers which provide facilities of medical evaluation, supervised exercise program, dietary and psychological counseling, health education to the patient and the family and a comprehensive risk reduction program, all under one roof with the help of expert, qualified professionals.
A strong body of scientific evidence has now established the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation and there is a growing consensus among the health care professionals that due to its proven medical benefits, its cost effectiveness form reduced disability, improved productivity, reduced future cardiac events and reduced overall health care costs, cardiac rehabilitation should be now considered as an integral and fundamental element of heart disease management and should be made available to all heart patients, as far as possible.
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